Clematis henryi
Oliv., Hooker's Icones Plantarum 19(1): . pl. 1819. 1889. (Icon. Pl. (Hooker))
Matsum. & Hayata, Enumeratio Plantarum Formosanarum 6. 1906. (Enum. Pl. Formos.)
Clematis henryi Oliv. var. leptophylla Hayata
Clematis hayatae Kudo & Masam.Kudo & Masam., Annual report of the Taihoku botanic garden, Faculty of Science and Agriculture, Taihoku Imperial Univeristy , Formosa, Japan 2: 77. 1932. (Ann. Rep. Taihoku Bot. Gard.)
中薄葉鐵線蓮. 薄葉山蓼. 薄單葉鐵線蓮.
英Hayata clematis.
原Ramada (Paiwan).
Yang, A list of plants in Taiwan . 1982. (List Pl. Taiwan)
Liu, Illustrations of native and introduced ligneous plants of Taiwan . 1961. (Ill. Nat. Intr. Lign. Pl. Taiwan)
- Scandent perennial woody vines. Stem sulcate, velutinous when young, glabrous at maturity.
- Leaves simple, opposite, rarely whorled, subcoriaceous to chartaceous; petiole tendril-like, 3.4-6 cm long. Leaves ovate-lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate, 7.0-19.4 cm long, 2.1-7.5 cm wide; apex acuminate; base cordate; unlobed or sometimes basal leaves 3-lobed; margin remotely serrate, mucronately serrate, rare entire; glabrous on both surfaces or velutinous along veins on abaxial surface; main veins 3 to 5, nerves flat or sunken on adaxial side, elevated on abaxial side.
- Flowers solitary, rarely in dichasia, 1.5-2.5 cm diam., white, turning yellowish-green or yellowish-brown when dry, campanulate, pendent, recurved at tip; axillary or terminal; pedicels white velutinous; bracts 2- or 3 or more pairs, decussate, chartaceous, subulate or linear, glabrous on adaxial side, pubescent on abaxial side. Sepals 4, 1.5-2.5 cm long, 5-12 mm wide, oblong or ovate-oblong; apex acute; base cuneate; white velutinous outside, glabrous except at tip and margin inside. Stamens numerous, 1.0-1.2 cm long, pubescent, centripetal, inner ones shorter; anthers linear, dehiscence lateral, longitudinal; connective equal to pollen sacs, glabrous on both sides; filaments linear, dilated near base, glabrous on adaxial side, pubescent on lateral and abaxial sides.
- Carpels numerous, pubescent. Fruits 2.7-4.4 cm long; achenes 3-4 mm long, narrowly ovate or elliptic, convex on both sides, reddish-brown, or purplish-brown, velutinous; style with pale yellow hairs bearded.
- 台灣 : open land, stream sides and forest margins between 800 and 2,500 m.
- 世界 : Mainland China.
TAIPEI: Wulai, Suzuki 18918. ILAN: Taipingshan, Sasaki s. n. 1918. HSINCHU: Chutung, Liu et al. 1413. TAICHUNG: Chiayang, Lu 12431. NANTOU: Hsitou, Yang 1000. CHIAYI: Alishan, Hayata & Sasaki s. n. 1912 (Lectotype of C. henryi var. leptophylla, TI!; isolectotypes, K!, TAI!, TAIF!); Fenchihu, Faurie 1315. KAOHSIUNG: Kuaigu, Kuoh. PINGTUNG: Tawu, Huang & Kao 7403. TAITUNG: Chinshueiyin, Lu s. n. 1973. HUALIEN: Hopin, Yang 2927.
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胡哲明 Jer-Ming Hu
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劉以誠 Liu Yea-chen
花蓮 Hualien

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新竹 Hsinchu

Yu-Fa Wang
新竹 Hsinchu

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高雄 Kaohsiung

黃星凡 S.F.Huang
南投 Nantou

Z.Y.Chen, S.H.Lin
嘉義 Chiayi

宜蘭 Ilan

共有 1 份典藏標本所有標本模式標本
早田文藏 B.Hayata, 佐佐木舜一 S.Sasaki
嘉義 Chiayi